Editing Services
As a freelance editor, I am available to work with you to polish your pieces, giving both line edits and developmental edits.I will also make suggestions as to appropriate venues for submitting.
Due to scheduling limitations, I am currently only accepting clients for flash creative nonfiction and flash fiction.
Please contact me for more information.
“Jo Varnish is an exceptional editor. She has taken drafts in shambles and brought them together in impressive ways by pushing me as a writer to unearth the deepest meaning in the words, realize the full dimensionality of the characters and fight for cohesion and impact throughout. She is a champion of vulnerability and a trusted guide in navigating the complexities of revision. Working with Jo has led me to multiple published works. She has my highest recommendation and gratitude.”
- Michael Todd Cohen, writer, @mtoddcohen
“Jo’s feedback gave my piece a completely new life. She recognized where my piece stalled, and offered laser-focused suggestions to quicken the pace and to strengthen the POV. Not only did she offer brilliant macro-edits, her line edits illustrated an understanding of not only my characters’ voices but also my own voice. I truly felt like her edits enhanced what I had set out to accomplish in the piece, and that’s always a sign of a knowledgable and careful editor!”
- Taylor Byas, poet and essayist, @taylorbyas3