Personal Essays and Opinion
Halloween: It’s Complicated
Even now, my body reacts to the first leaves falling, that first cooler breeze at summer’s end with a feeling of melancholy, as if to say, Halloween is on its way.
The Last Summer
And now I’m nostalgic for the nighttime readings of The Gruffalo, turning over rocks to look for bugs and salamanders, for the pudgy dimpled hands in mine.
We Need to Talk About OSU’s Gun Crime Problem
Read at Cleveland Plain Dealer
My Stepmother’s Love
Hours earlier, she thought she was a widow at 34, her husband traded for two orphaned children.
Motherless Mothering: Lessons from Pandas and People
I am going to crack open. I cannot take my boy's pain away. All I can do is be there and love him and it does not feel like nearly enough.
Theo's Story
I cradled his little body with its gangly kangaroo legs, and he looked at me with his sea glass eyes, and then nestled his tiny face on my shoulder.
My Son and I Visited a Medium
I don’t know how the medium knows what she knows, but what she is saying is uncanny.
The Keepsake that Connects my Daughter to my Late Mother and Grandmother.
I don't know why I was drawn to the incompleteness of it. Perhaps I was attracted to a tangible problem I could fix.
Titles to Consider When Writing Your Kid’s College Essay
Read at Little Old Lady Comedy
When Food Becomes Love
My essay is included in ‘Flash Nonfiction Food,’ edited by Tom Hazuka and Kathryn Fitzpatrick, and published by Woodhall Press.
The Avocado Plant
My essay will be included in ‘(Her)oics Anthology,’ edited by Joanell Serra and Amy Roost, and published by Pact Press.